четверг, 25 июня 2020 г.

PHP Xdebug multi php versions in the server , fixing xdebug.so: undefined symbol: zend_post_startup_cb

If you have many php versions in the server we might face Xdebug installing.
Firstly, I installed via manual as
install PECL, then install xdebug through pecl
As result, I got an error

xdebug.so: undefined symbol: zend_post_startup_cb

The default php version in the server is PHP 7.3 . I need to install Xdebug for PHP 7.2
I used those links
The server is Debian. I installed php7.2-dev. We will use phpize and php-config from the package.
It is MATTER to use version as  phpize7.2 and php-config7.2
1) download
2) tar -xzf xdebug-2.9.6.tgz && cd xdebug-2.9.6
3) phpize7.2
4) ./configure --with-php-config=/usr/bin/php-config7.2
5) make
6) copy from modules folder to lib folder.
to check that lib folder via phpize7.2
7) add to available modules with 20 priority
PS: firstly, I used 10 priority and got error with IonCube. 20 priority helped
Then restart PHP service and enjoy

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